On-load tap changer monitoring for optimized maintenance with dLab

Through our innovative platform and the applications – dAnalyzer and dQuality, we have been assisting Sjöbo Elnät in preventing outages and monitoring the power quality in their power grid since 2017.

During September, our team was on-site to take further steps in monitoring by including the on-load tap changers in one of Sjöbo Elnät’s primary substations with our application dState. This expansion of our monitoring system only required a minor hardware upgrade. Still, it enables high quality data from the on-load tap changers to be recorded continuously. These components play a crucial role in managing variable power and production, which is an increasing challenge with renewable energy sources being introduced to the grid.

With this new monitoring, Sjöbo Elnät will have access to high-quality data about their performance and workload, enabling optimized and cost-effective maintenance.

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