Electricity distribution company Halmstads Energi och Miljö Nät AB is gearing up its digitalization of the grid, installing energy tech company Dlaboratory Sweden AB’s analytics platform in three substations. Using smart data analysis, the distribution company can increase grid reliability, avoid power outages and work with proactive grid maintenance.
Halmstads Energi och Miljö Nät AB (HEM Nät AB) has a vision of a simple and environmentally smart everyday life for their customers, today and tomorrow. That vision includes using digital solutions to increase grid reliability and efficient operations. In that effort, it is imperative to be aware of the grids’ health status; knowing what to do and where. For that reason, HEM Nät AB has chosen to collaborate with Dlaboratory Sweden AB (dLab).
– Using the analytics platform from dLab we can monitor our grid efficiently, i.e. with a digital solution, and receive signals when incidents occur. That allows us to work proactively with fault detection and maintenance. Working smarter, with digital solutions, we can create a more robust electrical distribution for our customers, says Jonas Stenberg, electrical engineer at HEM Nät AB.
dLabs analytics platform is based on dAnalyzer, a unique patented algorithm, automatically analyzing data in substations. Harnessing this data, operations can make faster fault detection, get early warnings for imminent faults, and work proactively with maintenance.
– We are very pleased to see that HEM Nät AB choses to expand our collaboration. That means that we do deliver real useful results to our customers. It does not get better than that, sats Fredrik Akke, Strategic Market and Partnership Manager at dLab.
Halmstad Energi och Miljö Nät AB is a subsidiary to Halmstad Energi och Miljö AB, owned by Halmstad municipality, delivering services within electricity, heat, cooling, waste, and energy. The distribution company has 42 000 end customers. As sustainability is a central issue for HEM Nät AB, so is the digitalization of the grid. dLab’s solution dAnalyzer will be installed in three substations, covering about 70 % of the company’s medium voltage grid.