New generic component makes systems integration easier

Cleantech company Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) has developed a generic component to its grid analytics platform, called dXport. Making data export and systems integration easy, dXport opens up the possibilities of adding an extra, data driven edge to grid operations. It has today successfully been applied to a NIS-system.

Integrating different systems and tools are time efficient investments, making operations run more smoothly for companies of all kinds. It has become a fundamental part of our day-to-day activities, even in simple daily tasks, as our society has become more and more digital. Systems integration has over the last few years become increasingly important, and in technically complex operations, data export and integration are vital parts.

– Although our focus, to date, has been in developing an independent solution, adding the possibility to share our high qualitative analytics to other systems is key to us. And when the opportunity came to develop an integration with a NIS-system, we created a module that is versatile and can be adapted to other systems as well. All in line with supporting our customers in providing a better experience to their customers, says Henrik Winberg, COO at dLab.

The integration of dLab’s system with NIS resulted in an easy-to-use solution that can pin down a fault in the grid with a very high accuracy. Exporting and integrating dLab’s data with other systems will add big data, improving the accuracy in that system. Data analytics from dLab can thus be used to improve grid operations in a wide range of areas.

About Dlaboratory Sweden AB

Dlaboratory Sweden AB (publ) is a Swedish cleantech company offering a digital platform for gathering, analyzing, and presenting condition data for managing the future power grid. Our solutions enable proactive maintenance work, an increased security of supply, and fewer power outages. We are a commercial company since 2015 and the shares are listed at Nasdaq First North GM (DLAB) since April 2021.

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